Alpha Extract 20%


Foam is an important visual representation for quality beer, but some beer styles are decidedly foam-challenged. Some recommended advanced hop products to help meet this challenge are Alpha Extract and Tetra Extract.

Alpha Extract is a concentrated, aqueous solution of α-acids ideal for improving beer foam and lacing post-fermentation without contributing any added sensorial bitterness to the final product.


  • Foam stability
  • Foam lacing & cling
  • Anti-microbial

Usage & Methods

  • ≈6 grams of product per bbl. for each ppm
  • >5 ppm of alpha acid can improved beer foam in beers that are 15 IBU’s or less. For beers greater than 15 IBU’s, Tetra should be used
  • Include link for bench-top testing in bottles or kegs
    1. Good – add product to empty vessel and push with nitrogen (NOT CO2) into beer line when starting to fill tank
    2. Better – Add product to empty beer keg and fill with pH 8-9 adjusted de-aerated, de-ionized water and push with nitrogen (NOT CO2) into beer line when starting to fill tank
    3. Best – meter the concentrated product into transfer stream using a diaphragm pump. Attempt to deliver evenly throughout 80% of the transfer of beer. Dispense solution into the beer transfer stream pre filtration.

Notes & Suggestions

  • Do not add to DE slurry tanks
  • Make sure introduced at least 5 Meters upstream of filter
  • Inject on suction side of beer transfer pump
  • Diluting with beer lowers utilization and can result in precipitation of resins
  • Perceived bitterness is 0.1x that of Iso-Alpha Acids and very smooth
  • For dry-hopped beers, Tetra Extract is suggested

Packaging & Storage

  • Only use nitrogen to purge container headspace free of air. CO2 will lower the pH of the dilution causing the product to become insoluble.


Product Dosing Rate
Concentration: %
Utilization: %
kg of Product: kg

Online calculators are designed to be informational and educational tools only. This online calculator is provided as a rough approximation and the results presented by this calculator are hypothetical and may not reflect total accuracy. Hopsteiner is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance, nor responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools.

BitternessAroma / FlavorFoamAnti - microbialLight StabilityHot SideCold Side
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